Whittier Kindergarten

Whittier Kindergarten

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Pictures to come!!

We have had some WONDERFUL things happening in our Kindergarten classroom!  Pictures are coming soon.  Sorry it has taken so long. 

December Homework


Here are some ideas for families to do at home.  Color or cross out the squares that you completed and return the work to your child’s teacher on the last day of the month.

December  2012
Reread one of your little books from reading group.  Make a list of all of the sight words that you find in your book.

Have an adult or older sibling read your library book to you.  Draw and write about the setting and the characters.
Have an adult or older sibling read your library book to you.  Draw and write about the problem and the solution.
Write 5 words each from the following word families: -at, -ig, -ug and -og
Draw and write about a holiday tradition in your family.
Draw a picture of your family.  Write a sentence about each person in your picture.
Reread one of your little books from reading group.  Make a list of all of the words that have only 3 letters in them.
Draw a picture of something you like to do in the winter.  Write at least two sentences about your picture.
Using your shoe, measure things in your house such as the length of the couch, the room, the rug.
Have your family members line up in order from shortest to tallest.  Draw of picture of them in this order and label it.
Grab two handfuls of coins or other small objects.  Count how many are in each hand.  Draw a picture of what you grabbed and write the numbers that match.
Draw a picture to show 2+3.
Take a walk with an adult in your house or outside.  Record the different shapes you see in the environment.
(Triangle, square, circle, rectangle, hexagon)
Take a walk outside with an adult.  Count how many wreaths or other holiday decorations you see.  What did you find the most of?
Write a letter to a friend or family member telling them why they are special.
Look at a calendar.  What is today’s date?  Count how many days are left in the month of December.