Whittier Kindergarten

Whittier Kindergarten

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Sunday Post

Hello families!!

I hope all of your students had a fabulous first week of school.  This coming week will be very exciting!

In math, we are focusing on the Standards of Mathematical Practice.  We will specifically focus on:

#1 Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them
#5 Use appropriate tools strategically
#4 Model with mathematics
#6 Attend to precision 
#3 Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others 

Ask your student what math tools we have in our classroom.  Ask him/her why we use these math tools. 

In writing, we are focusing on generating writing ideas.  We will discuss adding details and labeling our story illustrations.  Later this week we will begin to write.

Ask you student what they wrote about!

In social studies we are focusing on team work and the similarities/differences among us.  We will work in teams to make a large rainbow using construction paper.  On Friday, we will learn about the Pledge of Allegiance. 

During whole group (read-aloud) we are identifying the role of the author and the illustrator.  We will read wordless books, fiction books and nonfiction books.  

Ask your student to sing the song about the job of the author and the illustrator.  

During word study we will....

-read poems in which we incorporate our names
-identify sounds 
-generate sentences, cut them apart and build the sentences
-identify beginning and ending letters in names
-add student names to the word wall 

 Ask your students about the game "Alphabet Soup" 

During literacy centers we will practice buddy and independent reading!

I am excited for a wonderful week!

I will try to give you a weekly update every Sunday.  If you have any questions or concerns please call or email.  

I hope you enjoyed the beautiful weekend weather. 

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Welcome to Kindergarten 2013-2014

Hi, my name is Jaime Grimes.  This coming school year will be my third year teaching Kindergarten at Whittier Elementary School.  I was born and raised in Frederick, Maryland.  I went to Hood College and earned a Bachelor's Degree in Early Childhood Education.  I am currently working on my Master's Degree, at Hood College.  I am studying Curriculum and Instruction. I spent a few weeks this summer writing curriculum for early childhood application centers.  I love traveling, running and playing with my little dog, Emma. I am one of six wonderful kindergarten teachers this year.  My teammates are fabulous and any one of us will be more than willing to answer questions and support your student and family in any way!  Whittier is a great community and we are so lucky to have your student  in Kindergarten this year.  Welcome to the 2013-2014 school year. I'm looking forward to another wonderful year at Whittier Elementary!  As the school year progresses, please check out our classroom blog for updates.  Thanks!