Whittier Kindergarten

Whittier Kindergarten

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Sunday Post

Hi Families,

You get an early post this morning!  I am off to my nephews 1st birthday party!  It should be a beautiful day.  I hope that everyone has enjoyed their weekend.  I have to share that I am so thrilled with the group of students in my class.  They have already learned so much.  Their enthusiasm for learning and willingness to try new things impresses me each day.  Keep up the good work!!!

A few notes for the week:

-Tuesday: Library lesson and book exchange with Ms. Datolli 

-Tuesday: Pizza Hut fundraiser all day

-Thursday: Book Fair Kick Off!

-Friday: We will visit the book fair as a class...students will get a chance to preview books.  They may not purchase books at this time.  

-We will visit the center room on Monday and Thursday 

-Homework will be sent home in homework journals on October 1st

-We will begin reading group rotations next week 

Questions to ask your students: 

-What stations did you attend this week?

-What are magnets attracted to?

-What are magnets not attracted to? 

-Why do you use a checklist during writing?

-What does it mean to subitize? 

-Explain what it means to visualize what you hear? (students will listen to The Napping House, Goodnight Moon, Go Away Big Green Monster and 2 informational books...they will draw illustrations to match what they hear.  We will then read the story with illustrations and compare our visualizations) 

-Can magnets pull through objects?

-Practice matching a quantity to a numeral 

-Recite This Is The Way We Wash Our Face

-Find an object in the house...identify that objects beginning sound (ex: Box...B)

If you have any questions, please ask!

Have a super week,

Ms. Grimes 

Pictures to share!

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Our favorite book!

I had to share this picture...the kiddos absolutely LOVED Three Billy Goats Gruff. They helped me read the story and act like the characters. We were using the illustrations and words to helped us figure out words that were covered up. Sooo much fun! 

Monday, September 22, 2014

Stuffed Animal Day

Stuffed Animal Day was a blast!!

We read Corduroy With our animals....they've never been so engaged!

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Sunday Update

Hi Families,

I hope everyone was able to spend a nice long weekend with their families.  I don't know where the weekend went....I was car shopping the entire time.  I've had time for a little relaxation today.  The car dealerships are closed : ) 

I few notes about this week....

-Monday: STUFFED ANIMAL DAY!  The students have earned a stuffed animal day for filling their warm fuzzy jar.  Please allow them to bring their favorite stuffed animal to school.

-We will visit the center room on Tuesday this week

-Please send library books back to school on Tuesday...we have a book exchange

-Tuesday: Volunteer training at 6 pm in the media center

-Wednesday: 2 hour early dismissal (1:30 pm)

-Thursday: School Closed

-Friday: Trek for Tech!!!!

Questions to ask your student this week: 

What stories did we retell? Corduroy and The Very Hungry Caterpillar

What did we use to retell the story? (Story pieces and props)

Recite the poem Kindergarten Bingo (have them use their friends and families names) 

What letters did the fairy bring this week? Can you name a word that begins with those letters? 

What is your story about? How do we visualize what we are going to draw on each page? 

Do your illustrations match your writing? 

Compare 2 sets of something at home (Cheerios, blocks, spoons, etc.).  Which set is larger? Which set is smaller? 

What do you do when you get to a word you don't know?  We did this whole group during a read aloud

If you have any questions about the week, please email me.  Have a fantastic week!



Pictures to share!! Sunday update coming soon.....

I don't have many pictures from last week. We were busy, busy bees! Below student are sharing the cover page of their books we are working on in writing. 

We are also practicing literacy stations in the classroom. We will spend lots of time practicing this week so we can be ready for reading groups in October....WOW can't believe it's almost October! 

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Sunday Post

Hi Families,

I hope everyone had a super weekend!  We had a rainy Saturday but it cleared up in time to enjoy the Brantley Gilbert concert at the Fair.  The weather today is beautiful.  I hope everyone has a chance to enjoy it.  Jacob, I hope you're enjoying your time with Granola Bear!  Please enjoy these pictures from last week....

Center Room Fun!

Weekly Reminders: 

-If you are interested in volunteering for ABC/123 (working with K students), there will be a training on Monday at 6 pm

-Tuesday we have a lesson in the Media Center

-We will visit the center room on Monday and Wednesday!

-Wednesday I will be out all day

-Wednesday: Volunteer training at 9:15 am

-Wednesday: ABC/123 training at 10 am 

-Wednesday: Market day pick up in the cafeteria at 3:45 am

-Friday - Off School....enjoy your day!!!

Questions to ask your student: 

What letters did the Letter Fairy bring you this week?

What is a detail? in writing and reading

How can you find details in a book?

What did you learn about apples? 

How does an apple grow? 

Ask your student to recite the poem Way Up High.

Ask your student what they can do at independent reading, buddy reading, poetry, library and pocket chart stations.

How can you be responsible at school? Home? 

What are some of our classroom rules/procedures? 

What tools do you use in writing?  

How can we sort objects?

Ask your student to recite the poem Apples Apples

How can you organize objects when you count?

What apple do you like the best?

*We are having an apple tasting on Wednesday.  I will send home a permission slip on Monday.  Please indicate whether or not you would like  your child to taste the apples and return it on Tuesday.  Thank You!*

Have a fantastic week...and of course, Go REDSKINS!!!!