Whittier Kindergarten

Whittier Kindergarten

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Sunday Update

Hi Families,

I hope everyone had a nice weekend.  I have a couple updates for this week....

  • We will have a library lesson and book exchange tomorrow (12:30 pm - 1:10 pm)!  Please send your student to school with their library book.
  • We will begin our new schedule tomorrow.  We will have reading groups in the morning and math in the afternoon.
  • I will hopefully finish assessing students on quarter one material.  Next week, we will begin working in the application center room. 
  • On Wednesday, the firefighters from station 1 are visiting Whittier.  The are bringing the fire truck and ambulance.  They are going to speak to students about fire safety, the importance of a fire drill and how they help the community.
  • We will also visit the computer lab on Wednesday (10:30 am - 11:10 am). 
  • Thursday is our fall harvest party!  From 2:15 pm - 3:15 pm we will celebrate the season with snacks and fall crafts.  If you have any fun ideas for fall crafts...please share!!
  • Students are allowed to dress up as their favorite book character.  If you have the book to match the character, please send it to school also. The kindergarten teachers are going to be Disney characters.  SHHHH....I will be Alice in Wonderland.  I have not told the kiddos this!
  • If you are interested in coming to the fall harvest party please let me know via email, phone or the yellow slip I sent home.  We just ask that you do not bring siblings for safety reasons.  Thank you for your understanding in this matter. 

I am looking forward to fun filled week of learning.  I hope everyone has enjoyed the pumpkin patch pictures.  I showed them to the kids last week...I wish I could have bottled their excitement, smiles and laughter!  We truly have a great group of students this year!

I will give you an academic update tomorrow. 

Ms. Grimes

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