Whittier Kindergarten

Whittier Kindergarten

Monday, December 2, 2013

Weekly Post

Hi Families,
I hope everyone had a fantastic, restful, fun filled break!  I apologize to the families that had their conference canceled on Tuesday.  I have sent an email/left a phone message to reschedule.  If those days/times do not work for you, we can work something out.  We have a fun and exciting week ahead of us.
A few quick notes....
-we had a library book exchange today...if you did not send your book back to school you can send them in tomorrow and students can exchange their book in the morning.
-we have computer lab Wednesday at 10:30
-we will visit the center room Tuesday 9:50 - 10:30 and Thursday 9:00 - 9:40
This week.....
Weekly sight words:
The Gingerbread Recipe Poem
Five Little Gingerbread Men
Ask your student to recite these poems.
Whole Group Read Aloud:
We are reading various versions of The Gingerbread Man.  Monday - Wednesday we are identifying the characters, setting and major events of the stories.  We will record these story elements on a whole class chart.  We will compare the elements of each story. 
Thursday and Friday we will make predictions about Gingerbread Man stories....
How will this story end?
 Do you think this is a happy or sad story?
Ask your student to share their favorite Gingerbread story!
Our class will visit Ms. House for science this week.  They will learn about the process of observation.  They will compete a sink or float experiment, learn what salt does to an egg in water, and how shapes of objects effect if they sink or float.
Later in the week they will learn the most efficient way to melt ice.   

Sounds fun!!!!


We will.....
-practice using our resources (word wall, sound card, alphabet strip)
-re-read what we write
-share our writing
-writers are like photographers....you can see the whole big picture or you can zoom in and see the tiniest detail
-discuss important details
-practice adding important details
-authors celebration!!!!


We will....

-write and represent number 0 - 20
-count sets
-compose and decompose teen numbers

Have a great week!! Any questions, just ask!

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