Whittier Kindergarten

Whittier Kindergarten

Sunday, December 21, 2014

The very short week ahead : )

Hello Families!
I hope you had a relaxing weekend! We may have a short week ahead, but it will be filled with learning!  
In Language Arts we will: 
- Read The Polar Express and describe the importance of illustrations in a story.
-incorporate poetry to practice fluency and expression.
In Social Studies we will: 
- Compare and contrast winter holidays from around the world.
- Compare American families to other family cultures.
In Writing we will:  
- Use effective details, words, and figurative language in our writing.
-Produce writing that is legible.
In Math we will: 
-Write numbers from 0-20. Represent a number of objects with a written numeral 0-20.
-use a variety of counting strategies. Which strategy/tool is more helpful to you?  
Math was very interesting last week.  We introduced rekenreks as a tool used for counting, composing and decomposing numbers.  I was so cool to see how our friends saw numbers differently.  Exploration with counting has been a major focus this quarter.  
Please make sure your child has a heavy coat for recess. It’s starting to get cold outside and we want everyone to be able to go out.
Thank you so much for making sure your students are here at school and on time every day!  We are able to get started right away because everyone is here and ready to learn!  THANK YOU for making that happen! 
***Winter Break***
Although our week is short, we will have 2 full instructional days. We are all very excited for our winter break!  The kiddos have worked so hard and they deserve it.  Please send homework journals to school this Tuesday, so I can look over them during break.  I am very impressed with all the student work that comes back to school!  Please take time to read books...have your student read, or simply read to them.  We have class that LOVES books this year.
 ***Homework Idea***
Over break, write about something exciting that you did with family or friends.  Illustrate your story using labels and speech bubbles.  Don't forget to add lots of details and try very hard to recreate those "hard to make ideas!"  Write about what you did.  Remember to check for.....
-uppercase/lowercase letters
-Does it make sense?
-Can you read what you wrote? 
Please bring your writing to school on January 5th!  I can't wait to read about all the fun things you did over break!!!
Dates to Remember: 
12/22- Library Lesson with Ms. Dattoli (no book exchange) 
12/22 - Visit the center room 
12/24-1/4 Winter Break
1/5- Students return to school

Enjoy the holiday season!
Retelling The Three Billy Goats Gruff 

Our Gingerbread door!!

Sharing with Ms. S's class.  We learned about Italy...they learned about China!

Exploring numbers with the  Rekenrek 

Monday, December 15, 2014

The Week Ahead....

Hello Families!
Sorry this is reaching you on Monday morning!  I had a busy holiday weekend.  This will be a learning packed week ….
In Language Arts we will: 
-focus on the following sight words: can, all & will
-continue answering before, during and after questions about a variety of fairy tales
-read the following fairy tales: Three Billy Goats Gruff, Goldilocks and the Three Bears,  and Three Little Pigs
-identify what happens in the beginning, middle and end of a story
- Recite poems and fingerplays from a wide variety of genres with expression
(Snow and The Chubby Little Snowman)
In Social Studies we will: 
-begin learning about different celebrations/holidays around the world.
-focus on Hannukah, Kwanzaa and Christmas this week.
In Writing we will:  
- continue checking our work to ensure it has: details, spacing, punctuation, appropriate capitalization, labels, speech bubbles, etc.
-we are spending the first 15 min of our writing block on hand writing. We will call this our daily warm-up. The warm-ups will focus on: making slanted lines, and practicing how to write the alphabet using proper techniques.
In Math we will: 
- Count to 100 by ones and by tens.
-answer “How many” questions
-learn about a new math counting tool: Rekenrek
-explore place value as we learn about tens and ones through looking at numbers (11-19)
-answer story problem questions
 In other news... 
*The students worked hard on our door. Check out our class blog for pictures of our door and activities from last week J
* Next week we only have school on Monday and Tuesday*  
Dates to Remember: 
12/15: The last book exchange before Winter Break
12/15: Visit the center room 
12/16: Lock Down Drill....we will practice this on Tuesday
12/17: Visit the center room
12/22: Library lesson with Ms. Datolli (no exchange
12/23: Whittier give back
12/24-1/4: Winter Break
 I hope you all have a great week!  As always, please feel free to email me if you have any questions or concerns.  

Saturday, December 6, 2014

The Week Ahead....

Hello Families!

I hope everyone had a nice weekend.  It was nice to see so many familiar faces at the Holiday Bazaar on Friday.  Thank you for coming out to support Whittier and small, local businesses! 

This will be a fun-filled 5 day week….

In Language Arts we will: 
-answer before, during and after questions about a variety of non-fiction books
-make connections to the characters in the story
-re-tell the story The Mitten
-discuss tricky vocabulary and add to a WOW word wall
-identify what happens in the beginning, middle and end of a story
- Recite poems and fingerplays from a wide variety of genres with expression
(Snow Angels and Five Little Snowmen)

In Social Studies we will: 
- Continue learning about families and how they are the same and different. 
- Describe how one’s family members express themselves through their culture.
-Learn about different countries around the world.
-compare our countries flags, homes, schools and food. 

We are learning about Italy!

In Writing we will:  
-ask: What does our writing need?  Details, spacing, punctuation, appropriate capitalization, labels, speech bubbles, etc.
-complete a series of writing warm-ups, making vertical lines, horizontal lines and circles
-we are spending the first 15 min of our writing block on hand writing
-write letters to parents telling what we have learned about Italy
-decorate a gingerbread man for the door decorating competition and write about the gingerbread man using descriptive words

In Math we will: 
- Count to 100 by ones and by tens.
-count objects in a rectangular array,  random configuration, circular, and a straight line (numbers 11 – 19)
-create sets in many of these ways.
-count sets from a baggie and place the counted objects in a line, pile or row.
-use bingo dotters to re-create a scattered configuration or ten frame card and write the matching numeral.
-compose numbers by combining 2 groups (ex: 3 and 2 makes 5)
-use a bunk bed game board to represent 2 groups

 In other news... 

*The school wide Door Decorating Contest began this Friday!

*We're thinking the kindergarten hallway will be Gingerbread Books.  I think our door will be the Gingerbread Girl.  The front of our hallway will be a bakery and we are going to have every student decorate their own gingerbread man.  Now...the questions is...will they let us use REAL CANDY to decorate our doors haha!  Hopefully! 

If you wish to order Holiday gifts, please order before this Friday.  Thanks!

We go to the library every Tuesday (unless there is a schedule change in the calendar).  At this point in the year, students are responsible for getting their library books out of their backbags and putting them into the library bin.  I will not be going through their backpacks, but will give them several reminders to get their books out.  Thanks for your support and understanding in helping our Kindergarteners become independent in any way they can be!  

Thank you so much for making sure your students are here at school and on time every day!  We are able to get started right away because everyone is here and ready to learn!  THANK YOU for making that happen! 

***Reading Groups***
Reading groups are going great!  I am so impressed with the students' sight word base, concepts about print, and their ability to apply reading strategies...and we are all working on the independent piece.  I can tell everyone is practicing at home.  Keep up the good work!!  Please remember to read each evening and return the book baggie each day.  Thank you in advance!!

Dates to Remember: 
12/8 Center Room
12/9 Library Lesson
12/10 Center Room

 I hope you all have a great week!  As always, please feel free to email me if you have any questions or concerns.  

Stay warm…and if you can’t get warm..watch Frozen!

Sunday, November 30, 2014

The Week Ahead...

Hello Families!
I hope you had a nice, relaxing break! It’s hard to believe December is here already! We have a lot going on this week!  Oh, and don't forget to peek below at the bird house pictures : ) 
In Language Arts we will: 
- Read a variety of gingerbread stories and understand the terms: character, setting, major events (We will use the 3 E's for the 3 major events - you can practice this at home with your favorite book.  Just write an E on 3 sticky notes.  Have your child stick the sticky note on the page where a major event takes place.) 
-Compare stories like The Gingerbread Girl, The Gingerbread Boy, The Gingerbread Pirates.
- Recite poems and fingerplays from a wide variety of genres with expression (The Gingerbread Recipe Poem and Five little Gingerbread Men
In Social Studies we will: 
- Continue learning about families and how they are the same and different. 
Describe how one’s family members express themselves through their culture.
-Learn about different countries around the world.
In Writing we will:  
Produce writing that is legible, including the conventional formation of some upper and lower case manuscript letters.
- Tell/represent events in a meaningful sequence
- Review using spacing, punctuation, and appropriate upper and lower case letters in our writing. 
In Math we will: 
- Count to 100 by ones and by tens.

-Use a number line to practice rote counting to 20.

-Practice matching a set to a numeral.
 In other news... 
*The school wide Door Decorating Contest begins this Friday! We will begin to come up with a plan for our classroom door!
*We're thinking the kindergarten hallway will be Gingerbread Books.  I think our door will be the Gingerbread Girl.  The front of our hallway will be a bakery and we are going to have every student decorate their own gingerbread man.  Now...the questions is...will they let us use REAL CANDY to decorate our doors haha!  Hopefully! 
I am placing a Scholastic order tomorrow morning.  If you would like to order...please do so before 8 am. 
We go to the library every Tuesday (unless there is a schedule change in the calendar).  At this point in the year, students are responsible for getting their library books out of their backbags and putting them into the library bin.  I will not be going through their backpacks, but will give them several reminders to get their books out.  Thanks for your support and understanding in helping our Kindergarteners become independent in any way they can be!  
Thank you so much for making sure your students are here at school and on time every day!  We are able to get started right away because everyone is here and ready to learn!  THANK YOU for making that happen! 
***Reading Groups***
Reading groups are going great!  I am so impressed with the students' sight word base, concepts about print, and their ability to apply reading strategies...and we are all working on the independent piece.  I can tell everyone is practicing at home.  Keep up the good work!!  Please remember to read each evening and return the book baggie each day.  Thank you in advance!!
***Reading Log and Homework Journal***
Please return your student's reading log (signed) and homework journal, tomorrow (12/1).  If your student read 15 nights in the month of November, they will receive a FREE personal pan pizza, from Pizza Hut.  
Dates to Remember: 
12/1 - Reading Log and Homework Due 
12/2 - Library book exchange and center room visit 
12/3 - My dog, Emma has a birthday!  6 years old!!
12/4 - Chorus Concert 2:00-3:00
           Chorus Concert 6:00-7:00
12/5 - Door Decorating begins
          PTA Bazaar 6:00-8:00 Come Shopping!!
 I hope you all have a great week!  As always, please feel free to email me if you have any questions or concerns.  

Lastly, my favorite Holiday movie!

Bird Houses

Here are the bird houses as promised!  After collaborating, planning, sketching, creating and constructing....we have a beautiful, warm and cozy final product.  Do you think we will keep the birds warm and fed this winter? 

Sunday, November 23, 2014

The week ahead....

Hello Families!

I hope you are all enjoying your weekend!  I had a low-grade fever yesterday, but I should be back and ready for conferences tomorrow! This coming week will be short and crazy.  Here's what we're getting into this week in Kindergarten: 

This week we will: 
- Read poems to practice reading fluently and identify sight words. 
- Write about what we are thankful for. 
- Review all of the sight words we have learned thus far.  
- Gather information (details) about Thanksgiving by reading informational books. 
- Make a graph in math about our favorite Thanksgiving foods. 

This is a short week so that's about it!  Here are some reminders and info about upcoming events... 

***Brrrr, it's cold ***
Please make sure that you are sending a heavy winter coat with your child every day now that it is consistently cold outside.  Some friends are getting very chilly with the cold wind blowing on them.  We don't want anyone to get sick. 

***Daily Folders***
Please be sure you are checking students' daily folders every day.  Papers that they make at school can be kept at home- no need to send them back!  

***Cold and Flu season***
It's that time of year where friends are getting sick.  If your child has a fever, they should not come to school.  If they are sent home with a fever or having vomited, they must be fever and vomit free for 24 hours before they can come back to school.  Thank you for your cooperation with this.  

Coming up...
Monday 11/24- School starts at 12:30 and dismisses at the regular time of 3:25 (lunch will not be served).
Tuesday 11/25- School starts on time and dismisses at 11:55 (lunch will be served). 
Wednesday 11/26- Friday 11/28- NO SCHOOL (Thanksgiving Break) 

Short and sweet!  I hope everyone has a safe and happy Thanksgiving Break!  :) 

Please enjoy these pictures!  I meant to take a picture of each team's birdhouse.  I will do that tomorrow and add to this post.  I was thoroughly impressed with the kids creativity, collaboration, and acceptance of all ideas.  I can't wait to share the final product.  

Sunday, November 16, 2014

The week ahead....

Hello Families! 

I hope everyone is staying nice and toasty warm on this chilly weekend!  Feels like hot cocoa weather to me!  

Here's what we're getting into this week: 

In Language Arts we will: 
- use informational text to gather information about birds.
- use various organizers to organize the information we learn about birds. 
- begin a STEM project where we figure out how we can help birds find food and shelter in the winter time.  
- learn 2 new poems to practice reading fluently.  

In Social Studies we will: 
- continue learning about families and how they are the same and different. 
- learn about extended family (aunts, cousins, etc...) and their connection to our immediate family. 
- explore the roles different family members play in a family unit. 
- compare pictures of modern families with families from other time frames. 

In Writing we will:  
- discuss the importance of writing neatly so others can read our writing. 
- look at our writing as readers to help us produce better writing. 
- review using spacing, punctuation, and appropriate upper and lower case letters in our writing. 
- help each other come up with really great ideas for writing.  

In Math we will: 
- continue our unit on measurement, using objects such as ribbon or string to measure. 
- compare lengths using vocabulary such as longer, shorter, and equal.  
- find objects that are in between the lengths of two other objects. 
- review weight, using vocabulary such as heavier and lighter.  

In other news... 

***STEM project***
We will be doing a project on Friday where we make bird houses to help birds find food and shelter in the winter.  If you would be willing to donate pine cones, sunbutter, toilet paper rolls, plastic bottles, cardboard, etc. please send these materials to school by Thursday, November 20th.  

You still have time to place a November order for Scholastic!  I will finalize the order on Tuesday, November 25th, so make sure you place the order before then.  Our class gets bonus points every time you order that we can use to get free books and resources! 

We go to the library every Tuesday (unless there is a schedule change in the calendar).  At this point in the year, students are responsible for getting their library books out of their bookbags and putting them into the library bin.  I will not be going through their backpacks, but will give them several reminders to get their books out.  Thanks for your support and understanding in helping our Kindergartners become independent in any way they can be!  

Thank you so much for making sure your students are here at school and on time every day!  We are able to get started right away because everyone is here and ready to learn!  THANK YOU for making that happen! 

***American Education Week***
This week, we are celebrating American Education Week by inviting parents to come eat breakfast with our students!  Each grade will have a certain day where parents are welcome in the cafeteria, and the teachers from that grade level will be serving breakfast with the cafeteria ladies!  Kindergarten's day is Friday November 21st.  The school will open early at 8:00 for breakfast.  You and your family can come eat breakfast with your little one, followed by a special performance at 8:55.  You are more than welcome to stay with your Kindergartner (although no younger siblings please) for the next part of their day.  For us this is specials.  We hope you will be able to join us!  

Dates to Remember: 
Monday 11/17- Report cards sent home
Tuesday 11/18 - Library Lesson and Book Exchange 
Thursday 11/20- Multicultural Night (6:00pm-8:00pm)
Friday 11/21- 2 hour early dismissal (school dismisses at 1:25pm) 
Friday 11/21- Breakfast with Kindergarten
Monday 11/24- Parent Conference Day- school opens at 12:30pm
Tuesday 11/25- Parent Conference Day- school dismisses at 11:55am
Wednesday 11/26- Friday 11/28-  NO SCHOOL

I hope you all have a great week!  As always, please feel free to email me if you have any questions or concerns. 

Please enjoy these pictures!

Reading group fun!

Measurement Investigations!  

Measuring Rapunzel's Braids!

Comparing Ribbon Sizes

This is how I spent my chilly but beautiful Saturday.

Have a super week!