Whittier Kindergarten

Whittier Kindergarten

Saturday, December 6, 2014

The Week Ahead....

Hello Families!

I hope everyone had a nice weekend.  It was nice to see so many familiar faces at the Holiday Bazaar on Friday.  Thank you for coming out to support Whittier and small, local businesses! 

This will be a fun-filled 5 day week….

In Language Arts we will: 
-answer before, during and after questions about a variety of non-fiction books
-make connections to the characters in the story
-re-tell the story The Mitten
-discuss tricky vocabulary and add to a WOW word wall
-identify what happens in the beginning, middle and end of a story
- Recite poems and fingerplays from a wide variety of genres with expression
(Snow Angels and Five Little Snowmen)

In Social Studies we will: 
- Continue learning about families and how they are the same and different. 
- Describe how one’s family members express themselves through their culture.
-Learn about different countries around the world.
-compare our countries flags, homes, schools and food. 

We are learning about Italy!

In Writing we will:  
-ask: What does our writing need?  Details, spacing, punctuation, appropriate capitalization, labels, speech bubbles, etc.
-complete a series of writing warm-ups, making vertical lines, horizontal lines and circles
-we are spending the first 15 min of our writing block on hand writing
-write letters to parents telling what we have learned about Italy
-decorate a gingerbread man for the door decorating competition and write about the gingerbread man using descriptive words

In Math we will: 
- Count to 100 by ones and by tens.
-count objects in a rectangular array,  random configuration, circular, and a straight line (numbers 11 – 19)
-create sets in many of these ways.
-count sets from a baggie and place the counted objects in a line, pile or row.
-use bingo dotters to re-create a scattered configuration or ten frame card and write the matching numeral.
-compose numbers by combining 2 groups (ex: 3 and 2 makes 5)
-use a bunk bed game board to represent 2 groups

 In other news... 

*The school wide Door Decorating Contest began this Friday!

*We're thinking the kindergarten hallway will be Gingerbread Books.  I think our door will be the Gingerbread Girl.  The front of our hallway will be a bakery and we are going to have every student decorate their own gingerbread man.  Now...the questions is...will they let us use REAL CANDY to decorate our doors haha!  Hopefully! 

If you wish to order Holiday gifts, please order before this Friday.  Thanks!

We go to the library every Tuesday (unless there is a schedule change in the calendar).  At this point in the year, students are responsible for getting their library books out of their backbags and putting them into the library bin.  I will not be going through their backpacks, but will give them several reminders to get their books out.  Thanks for your support and understanding in helping our Kindergarteners become independent in any way they can be!  

Thank you so much for making sure your students are here at school and on time every day!  We are able to get started right away because everyone is here and ready to learn!  THANK YOU for making that happen! 

***Reading Groups***
Reading groups are going great!  I am so impressed with the students' sight word base, concepts about print, and their ability to apply reading strategies...and we are all working on the independent piece.  I can tell everyone is practicing at home.  Keep up the good work!!  Please remember to read each evening and return the book baggie each day.  Thank you in advance!!

Dates to Remember: 
12/8 Center Room
12/9 Library Lesson
12/10 Center Room

 I hope you all have a great week!  As always, please feel free to email me if you have any questions or concerns.  

Stay warm…and if you can’t get warm..watch Frozen!

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