Whittier Kindergarten

Whittier Kindergarten

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Sunday Update!

Hi Families,

I hope everyone had a wonderful winter break!  Hopefully, we will have school tomorrow.  A full week of learning before we end quarter 2 would be great.  

This week we will review all transitions and routines.  The students surprised me on their first day back last week; they were able to transition and follow routines like we had not missed a day of school!!

We are not fully planned for the week due to our unexpected snow day.  However, I will share that we are going to begin working with addition story problems. We will use pictures and math manipulatives to help us solve these problems. We will begin solving story problems with answers to 5 and then move to answers to 10.  Once students have grasped the concept of addition and subtraction, we will work with math fact fluency to 5.  

In language arts, we will read nonfiction books about arctic animals...my favorite unit!

Please enjoy these pictures from our last day the 2013 school year!!

Our Classroom door....Thanks Ms. Jen!!


 Well we didn't win, but we did get a trophy!!

Make it a great week!

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