Whittier Kindergarten

Whittier Kindergarten

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Sunday Post


Now that the weather is warmer and the weekends are busier...it is getting harder and harder to keep up with my blog posts.  I apologize!!  I hope everyone had a nice weekend. 

Things to know....

  • We have a library lesson on Monday
  • We planted sunflower seeds on Friday (each child is keeping a plant journal and documenting growth each morning)
  • We have a field trip scheduled for Monday, May 12.  It is a half day field trip to Fountain Rock Park and Nature Center, in Walkersville.  If you are interested in volunteering please contact me.  Information is coming home this week!!
  • Friday we have a book fair preview (the BoGo book fair begins Friday after school)
  • We have a lesson with our enrichment specialist on Friday morning. 

Word Study Goals -

RF.2c- Orally blend word parts (onsets and rimes)
RF2. e- Orally delete a sound (phoneme) at the end of a simple, one-syllable words to make a new word.
RF3.b- recognize that a single vowel letter stands for a short or long vowel sound

Questions: How can word families help us read/write words.

Try some of these activities at home....

-do some oral word play with your kiddos based on familiar word families. Ex.
  • Say ring;
  • change the /r/ to /p/; what’s the word? ping
  • change the /p/ to /s/- What’s the word? sing
  • change the /s/ to /th/, what’s the word? thing

-You can also change the word family (rime) and/or the beginning part of the word (onset)
  • - say ring;
  • change /ing/ to /at/- What’s the word? rat
  • change /at/ to ug- what’s the word? rug;
  • change /r/ to /b/ what’s the word? bug

  • Say dog;
  • change the /d/ to /l/; what’s the word? log
  • add b to the beginning of log; what’s the word? blog
  • change the /bl/ to /fr/- What’s the word? frog
  • Bonus: take away the /r/ in frog what’s the word? fog

-You can also change the word family (rime) and/or the beginning part of the word (onset)
  • - say hop;
  • change /op/ to /am/- What’s the word? ham
  • change /am/ to /ip/- what’s the word? hip;
  • change /h/ to /s/ what’s the word? sip
  • change /s/ to /tr/ what’s the word? trip
We will continue to review all sight words!

This week in reading, we will compare character traits/experiences in similar fairy tales. 
We will also work on writing our own fairy tales!
Teaching me how to solve addition story problems using a rekenrek!!


We planted jelly beans in sugar before spring break...and they grew into lollipops!
Emma enjoying the sunshine! Have a super week!


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