Whittier Kindergarten

Whittier Kindergarten

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Sunday Post

Hello Families,

I hope all is well!  We have an exciting week ahead of us!  I know that I'm very excited for the pumpkin patch.  I bet the kiddos are too.  I have a couple updates for the week: 

-We will visit the center room on Tuesday and Thursday

-Tuesday we have a library book exchange at 9:20 am

-Wednesday we have individual picture day at 9:05 am

-Thursday we go to the PUMPKIN PATCH!!

A few notes about our field trip.  We will leave promptly at 9:30 am.  Please make sure your student is on time for school.  That way they will have enough time to unpack, use the restroom and prepare for the day.  Please pack your student's lunch in a disposable bag (labeled with their name).  We will use a large bin to transport lunches.  Its looking like it will be around 73 degrees with a chance of thunderstorms.  Lets hope the weather holds out!  Please have your student dress weather appropriate with a jacket and comfortable shoes.  Your student will get to pick out a medium size pumpkin....be on the look out after school.  We have 6 volunteers....Thanks so much for coming!!  If you have any questions, please let me know.  

-Friday, no school for students 

Have a great week!!

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