Hello Families!
I hope you had a relaxing weekend! We may have a short week ahead, but it will be filled with learning!
In Language Arts we will:
- Read The Polar Express and describe the importance of illustrations in a story.
-incorporate poetry to practice fluency and expression.
In Social Studies we will:
- Compare and contrast winter holidays from around the world.
- Compare American families to other family cultures.
In Writing we will:
- Use effective details, words, and figurative language in our writing.
-Produce writing that is legible.
In Math we will:
-Write numbers from 0-20. Represent a number of objects with a written numeral 0-20.
-use a variety of counting strategies. Which strategy/tool is more helpful to you?
Math was very interesting last week. We introduced rekenreks as a tool used for counting, composing and decomposing numbers. I was so cool to see how our friends saw numbers differently. Exploration with counting has been a major focus this quarter.
Please make sure your child has a heavy coat for recess. It’s starting to get cold outside and we want everyone to be able to go out.
Thank you so much for making sure your students are here at school and on time every day! We are able to get started right away because everyone is here and ready to learn! THANK YOU for making that happen!
***Winter Break***
Although our week is short, we will have 2 full instructional days. We are all very excited for our winter break! The kiddos have worked so hard and they deserve it. Please send homework journals to school this Tuesday, so I can look over them during break. I am very impressed with all the student work that comes back to school! Please take time to read books...have your student read, or simply read to them. We have class that LOVES books this year.
***Homework Idea***
Over break, write about something exciting that you did with family or friends. Illustrate your story using labels and speech bubbles. Don't forget to add lots of details and try very hard to recreate those "hard to make ideas!" Write about what you did. Remember to check for.....
-uppercase/lowercase letters
-Does it make sense?
-Can you read what you wrote?
Please bring your writing to school on January 5th! I can't wait to read about all the fun things you did over break!!!
Dates to Remember:
12/22- Library Lesson with Ms. Dattoli (no book exchange)
12/22 - Visit the center room
12/24-1/4 Winter Break
1/5- Students return to school
Enjoy the holiday season!
Retelling The Three Billy Goats Gruff
Our Gingerbread door!!
Sharing with Ms. S's class. We learned about Italy...they learned about China!
Exploring numbers with the Rekenrek