Whittier Kindergarten

Whittier Kindergarten

Monday, May 25, 2015

Important Dates!

Hi Families,

Happy Memorial Day!  I hope you  have a wonderful long weekend!  I can't believe June is approaching.  Here are a few important dates to remember, as the school year comes to a close...

Tuesday, May 26th - last library book exchange (all books will be returned the following week)

Wednesday, May 27th - Volunteer Reception

Friday, May 29th - K concert rehearsal 2-3 pm

Friday, May 29th - Whittier Carnival 6 - 8 pm!! I will be at the carnival working our class game.  If you're interested in volunteering please sign up electronically ASAP!  Last year, I let the kids throw pie in my face...I think I am going to relax this year : ) I hope to see you there! 

Tuesday, June 2nd - Whittier Talent Show 1:30 pm 

Friday, June 5th - Kindergarten Concert 2-3 pm 

Friday, June 5th - Carnival Rain-date

Wednesday, June 17th - Awards Ceremony 10:35 am 

Thursday, June 18th - Last day for students, flag lowering ceremony and report cards are sent home. 

Enjoy these pictures from field day and the classroom!

Taking a little rest...

Miss Ally's Last Day : (

Memorial Day Weekend Color Run!

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