Whittier Kindergarten

Whittier Kindergarten

Monday, August 31, 2015

Weekly Update!

Hello Families,

We have completed the first week of Kindergarten and I would say it was a huge success!  We have been very busy, as I'm sure your child has told you.  This is the first of our weekly updates for the year.  Every week we will be sending you an email of the lessons and activities we are planning for the coming week.  While things may change from day to day, the information we are sending is a rough outline of what we will be doing.  We will also put important dates and reminders as well.  I am posting this on the blog because I have not yet compiled an email distribution list.  I hope to have that done soon!  Here's what we're getting into this week...

In Language Arts, we will: 
- learn several new poems to practice fluency.  
- look at pictures and ask and answer questions about them.
- what do you see?
-what do you think?
-what do you wonder?
- learn and practice classroom routines to get ready for reading groups. 
- learn the jobs of the author and illustrator of a book. 

In Writing, we will: 
- participate in a variety of fine motor activities to get our hands strengthened for writing. 
- use pictures to tell a story. 
- add details to our pictures and begin to write words or letters to match. 
- practice proper letter formation to become efficient writers.

In Social Studies, we will: 
- learn about rules of our school and classroom 
- discuss symbols and identify them in our surroundings 
- learn symbols that are important to our country (ie- the American Flag)
- talk about similarities and differences between students in our class. 
- work together to create a product.

In Math, we will: 
- use math manipulatives (counters) in a safe way. 
- practice persevering when we're working on a difficult problem. 
- represent numbers in different ways by using counters and written numerals. 
- learn several math games and practice working in small groups. 

Important Information: 

***Water Bottle***
We take frequent (1-2-3 that’s enough for me!) drink breaks throughout the school day.  We have a water fountain in the classroom.  You can also send your student to school with a water bottle.  I just ask that it is water and that your student leaves it in the top of their cubbie.  Thank you in advance!!

If you have not already done so, please be sure all of your back to school forms have been turned in.  We are especially looking for emergency cards and health forms.  If you need new forms or have any questions about this, please let me know. 

I will be making weekly blogs posts (at least that's my goal), and I invite you to check those out!  I post  pictures on the blog of the fun activities we have done (only of students who have given me permission to do so).  There is a link to the website/blog at the bottom of this email, in the signature.  Please check it out!  

We will have regular specials every day.  I will put the schedule below.  Please make sure your child wears sneakers on P.E. day so they can fully participate with the class.  
Monday-  P.E and Music  
Tuesday- Art
Wednesday- P.E.
Thursday- Music
Friday- Art

***Granola Bear***
Granola Bear (our class stuffed animal) will begin going home with friends this week.  Directions are inside of Granola’s bag.  Please return him on Monday morning and have fun!!  I can’t wait to see the pictures!

I hope you all have a great week!  If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to email me. Thank you!

Monday, August 24, 2015

Quick Note

Hi families,

I hope everyone is ready for a fun first week of school!  It was brought to my attention that one of the documents I sent home stated that we have P.E. on Mondays and Fridays.  We have  P.E. on Mondays and Wednesdays and we ask that students wear sneakers on P.E. days for safety reasons.  I apologize for the confusion.  I would typically send this note in an email but I don't have everyone's email address yet.  If you have any questions, please call or email me.  I'm looking forward to a great week in kindergarten!

Ms. Grimes 

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Welcome to Kindergarten!

Here is our Back to School Night video in case you missed it! This video features our Kindergarten kiddos from last year!

Monday, August 17, 2015


Hi, my name is Jaime Grimes. This coming school year will be my fifth year teaching Kindergarten at Whittier Elementary School. I was born and raised in Frederick, Maryland. I went to Hood College and earned a Bachelor's Degree in Early Childhood Education. I am currently pursuing a  Master's Degree, at Hood College. I am studying Curriculum and Instruction. This year will be my 2nd year as the mentor for new teachers in our building. I'm very excited to continue in this leadership role.I love dogs (I have a little 5 lb dog named Emma – which my kids will hear all about), being outside and sightseeing!  I am getting married this June – I will probably have the kids call me Ms. Grimes until the following school year : ) I am one of five wonderful kindergarten teachers this year. My teammates are fabulous and any one of us will be more than willing to answer questions and support your student and family in any way! Whittier is a great community and we are so lucky to have your student in Kindergarten this year. Welcome to the 2015-2016 school year. I'm looking forward to another wonderful year at Whittier Elementary! As the school year progresses, please check out our classroom blog for updates. I will use the blog a lot this year (take a look at the posts from last year!). I give families a weekly, Sunday update on curriculum, goals, pictures and special events. During the first week of school, I will send home a permission slip detailing whether or not you would like your child's picture, name, etc., featured on the blog. Please take time to consider this, the blog is not private and anyone may access it. Thanks, and once again, we are so excited to have your student at Whittier!

**Please note that our specials, library and academic schedule will be updated this week**

**Join us for Back to School Night, Thursday, August 20th at 5pm**

**Join us for an ice cream social, Thursday, August 20th from 5:30 - 6:30 pm**

**If you have any questions about our staggered start kindergarten schedule, please contact the office or your classroom teacher**

Thank you,
Ms. Grimes