Kindergarten News:
Important Dates:
October 8th – 2 hour
early dismissal for students
October 16th – Field
trip to the Pumpkin Patch
October 18th – Evening
parent teacher conferences
October 19th – SCHOOLS
( State/regional educational training)
Language Arts
Kindergarteners are working on basic sight words that are necessary for
students to read with fluency. Some of
those words are I, the, and, we, will,
go, to, like, up and you. You can encourage your child to find those
words in books and poems that you read together and even in signs and labels
that you see around your house or neighborhood.
Also, they are working on instant recognition of the alphabet and on
letter sounds. Songs are sung about the
sound letters make; hopefully your child will come home and be able to sing
them to you. Students will also learn how to identify and generate rhyming
Our language arts focus this month will be on reading informational
text. We will be looking at how
non-fiction books look different from fiction books and how they are used for
different purposes. We will be reading
about fall things such as apples, pumpkins and scarecrows. Students will use
the details from these nonfiction books to write facts about apples, pumpkins
and scarecrows.
The focus this
quarter is on giving students many meaningful opportunities to develop their
sense of numbers and quantities, read and write numbers to ten (and beyond), to count and compare amounts, and to measure
objects by comparing them directly.
We are
working on a unit about being helpers at home and at school. The unit also focuses on how we work
together, take care of things and listen to others.
have been learning about Matter and Heat.
For example, they will be describing objects by using their five
senses. Next, they will learn what
happens when an object experiences a change in temperature.
Please be
sure to review the papers and empty the folder.
The folder needs to be returned to school the next day.
Library books are due on the morning
of your Students’ media lesson special. Please try to help your child remember
his/her book. The children need to
return their book before checking out a new book. Happy reading!
Please help
us by reviewing the cafeteria rules at home.
1) Stay in
your seat and raise your hand if you need anything (i.e. utensils, bathroom)
2) Use
quiet, indoor voices
3) Use
walking feet in the cafeteria
4) Keep your
hands to yourself
5) Throw
away all trash
6) Listen
when an adult is giving directions over the microphone
Notes and Reminders
If there is a transportation change, please send a
note to school with your child. If there
is an emergency change, please fax or email the request, followed by a phone
call to the office prior to 2:00 p.m.
If your child is absent, please send a note in
explaining their absence.
Please provide a change of clothes (including
socks), marked with your child’s name, in their backpack.
Please return the emergency transportation form to
your child’s teacher as soon as possible
Please read and return your students reading bag
and sight word cards each day. We use
the little books during reading group each morning.
Please check your student’s take-home folder each
Please keep the monthly behavior chart in your
students take home folder. This is how we communicate if your student received
a warning, reflection, documentation or office referral.
Happy Fall!!!
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