Whittier Kindergarten

Whittier Kindergarten

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Here are some ideas for families to do at home.  Student and families can work on these projects together.  Pick 10 activities to do. Color in the squares that you completed.  Return the composition book to your teacher on the last day of each month.

October  2011

Practice writing your first and last names with only the first letter of each uppercase.
Find a collection of buttons, coins or other objects.  Sort them into piles and explain why you sorted them the way you did.  Count.
Draw a fall picture and write a simple sentence about it.
Say three words that rhyme with pig.  Draw a picture of a pig and one of these other things.  Label your picture.
Find 5 things in your house that start with the letter T.  Draw pictures of 3 of them.  Label your pictures using letter sounds.
Draw a picture of something you did today at school.  Try to write a sentence about what you did.
Count all of the days in the month.  How many days are there?  Write that number.  What number comes before 31?  Write that number.
Read a story or have an adult read a story to you.  Draw a picture of your favorite character from that story.  Label the character.
Write the name of a friend from school.  How many letters are in his or her name?
Do you have a pumpkin?  Draw a picture of it and write a sentence about your pumpkin.
Before reading a book, have your child point to the front cover, back, the spine, the title and the title page.
Read a book or have an adult read it to you.  Draw a picture of the setting and try to write a sentence about it.
Practice saying your street address and phone number.
Work with an adult to list 5 words that rhyme with hat.  Draw a picture of 3 of them and label them.
Practice writing the numerals 0-15,
Think of 3 compound words (ex. Butterfly, firetruck, etc.).  Draw them and label them using letter sounds.

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