Whittier Kindergarten

Whittier Kindergarten

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Sunday Post!


Hello families,

Sorry this post is coming to you so late.  I had a very busy weekend!  A couple things before I tell you about our lessons this week.  On Tuesday the students in our class are having a stuffed animal day.  They earned this special day by filling up their Warm Fuzzy Jar!  In their folder tomorrow there will be a note....

Dear Families,
       On Tuesday, September 10th, 2013 we will have a stuffed animal day!  Our class has worked very hard to fill our Warm Fuzzy Jar.  Our Warm Fuzzy Jar is our whole class behavior incentive.  When the whole class is making good choices, following directions and trying their best, they get to place a Warm Fuzzy in their jar.  The students are very excited and voted on having a stuffed animal day.  If you would like your student to participate, please send them to school with their favorite stuffed animal.

Yours in education, 
Ms. Grimes 

We will continue with the letter of the day.  The letter fairy is getting tricky and finding some difficult hiding places!

Tomorrow, students will go to the library for a book exchange.  The students will pick one book from the “everybody section”.  They will not have a lesson tomorrow.  Please send their books back to school the following Monday.  

This week we will read a few non-fiction books about apples.  We are making an apple web, learning about the life cycle of an apple and discussing different types of apples.  On Wednesday, we will have an apple tasting.  Students will try Golden Delicious, Gala, Red Delicious and Granny Smith apples.  If you have any questions or concerns about this...please call or email me.  

  • writing numbers 0-10
  • organizing math tools (manipulatives) on a tens frame
  • matching numbers to their quantities
  • subitizing numbers 1-10 

Ask your student about the partner games we played! 

  • letter formation/simple words using different textures (play-doh, shaving cream, sand, paint in a bag, popsicle sticks, pipe cleaners, etc.)
  • drawing even hard to make ideas
  • taking risks is important
  • encourage students to say to themselves "I will do my best, and keep going"
  • create letters using students bodies (I will take pictures and share these on the webpage)
  • Thursday and Friday students will work in teams to discover what is in their mystery bag (they will chart items as a group and write about their mystery items independently)
Ask your students what was in their mystery bag?  
Ask your student what materials they used to make letters.

  • Students will re-tell details from a nonfiction text
  • We will read nonfiction books about apples 
  • On Thursday and Friday, we will re-tell a fiction text by acting it out (dramatizing)  

Ask your student what story they acted out?  What part did they play?
Ask your student what they learned about apples?  Which apple was their favorite?

Skills Block (Phonics and Fluency):

  • continue to work on identifying rhyming words (in poetry and songs) 
  • add poems to poetry journal (Jack be Nimble, Little Miss Tucket, Apple Poem
  • create a barnyard rhyming game (students will take this home) 
  •  work with magnetic letters (letter play to create names and simple words)
  • review and play the game alphabet soup
Ask your student to play Barnyard Rhyming.

During literacy center time, I will introduce poetry center. We will review buddy and independent reading and practice all three of these centers.  If we have time, I will introduce pocket chart center.   

I had a couple questions about homework and reading groups.  We are still planning on waiting until October to begin homework and reading groups.  We are also in the process of putting together an application center room.  This will be a room where all K students go to participate in centers like house keeping, dramatic play, blocks, etc.  We are hoping that each K class will be able to attend the center room daily.  This is a great opportunity for students to work on social skills and for me to take anecdotal notes that I will be able to share with you!  I will let you know when we begin to use the application center room.

If you have any question please contact me.  Have a super week!

Ms. Grimes 


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