Whittier Kindergarten

Whittier Kindergarten

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Sunday Update!

Hello Families,

I hope everyone is enjoying this beautiful Fall weather.  I know my little dog, Emma is enjoying chasing the leaves : ) It was a tough loss for the Redskins today.  But, I will stay optimistic!!

I couple quick notes about this week...

  • Monday is a 2 hour early dismissal.  If your child will have a different dismissal procedure, please send a note to school in their take home folder.  
  • Monday is also our book exchange day.  Please send your student to school with their library book. 
  • Thank you to the parents that have ordered scholastic books!  By ordering books, you are helping our classroom earn points to purchase new materials!!!
  • Our class is very close to filling up the Warm Fuzzy Jar!  I can't believe how quickly it is happening.  That means, your students are working hard, making good choices and being kind to everyone here at Whittier.  Please be on the lookout for what the students vote to have as their reward. 
  • We will continue with letter of the day.  Our letters this week are: J B W I Q 
  • Homework will begin next week.  
  • I have loved reading about the adventure Granola Bear has been on!  Birthday parties, firetruck rides, downtown Frederick...WOW!
Okay, here is what is happening this week in KINDERGARTEN!!

  • counting
  • representing numerals with quantities 
  •  writing numerals to 10
  • understanding the each successive number name refers to a number that is one larger
  • understanding the relationship between numbers at quantities 
Ask your student about the counting games they played in small groups (counting blastoff).
Ask your student to write numerals 1 - 5.

Social Studies: a few essential questions

  • Why is it important to follow directions?
  • How do we follow directions at school? 
  • We will play a following direction game with Granola Bear
  • How have you helped someone before?
  • How can we help people? Family? Friends?
  • How can we get along?  Are you getting along with a friend if you are sharing a pencil?
  • What does it mean to be a friend?
  • What do you do when you have something to say?  How do you know when to speak?
Ask your student about Rainbow Fish? How did they decorate their Rainbow Fish?  How did they share materials?

  • stretching out words (using stretchy the snake)
  • labeling illustrations using a whole word or initial sounds
  • writing speech bubbles in illustrations 
  • share writing pieces 
  • Remind students that they have previously learned to draw the best they can and keep going. The same can be done with spelling.
  • I will model sounding out words and trying my best!
  • students will work independently 
  • introduce tools during writing (sound card: alphabet chart) I will model using these tools
  • Thursday and Friday we will begin to write in booklets
  • I will point out that a picture book is not just a page of words but rather a detailed story with many pages. 
  • students will use a three page booklet to illustrate a story.
  • students will tell their story using the illustrations
  • Next week students will write in their booklets  
 Ask your student what story they are going to tell in their booklet? 

Whole Group Reading: 
We are working on visualizing what the page of a story would look like, using the text and our imagination.  Students will share what they visualize.  They will draw a picture to match their visualization.  I will then show the students the illustrations.  

We will do this with fiction and nonfiction books. 

Skills Block (phonics and fluency):

  • poems: This is the way we wash our face
  • acting out poetry
  • identify beginning sounds in poetry   
  • sorting words by their beginning sound
Ask your student about the beginning sound corner game.
Ask student about the Lotto Game. 

Literacy Centers: 

We are reviewing buddy reading, library (independent reading), pocket chart and poetry centers.  We will introduce magnet center.  

We are hoping to have our application center room rotation in place next week or the following week.

If you have any questions please email or call.

Thanks and have a fabulous Sunday evening,

Ms. Grimes 

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