Whittier Kindergarten

Whittier Kindergarten

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Fun times in Ms. Grimes' Kindergarten class!

Hi Families,

I hope everyone had a super weekend!  I apologize, but I will not be able to give you a Sunday update tonight.  My family travels all over for Thanksgiving, so we celebrated together this weekend!  We enjoyed lots of laughs and delicious food!

A couple quick notes......

-Tomorrow we have a library lesson at 12:30 pm
-Sunday update will be later this week. 
-Friday is our S.T.E.M lesson....we are creating a bird    house.  More details to come.
-Please send in any extra recycled materials you have  for our project.

Examples: tissue boxes, cardboard, paper towel rolls, toilet paper rolls, plastic bottles, egg cartons, Styrofoam  etc.  

Here are a few pictures to enjoy.....

Tracing feet for a measurement activity!

Exploring scales....

Comparing ribbon sizes....

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