Whittier Kindergarten

Whittier Kindergarten

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Rainy Sunday

Hi Families,

What a yucky weekend we had!  Although I feel rested for the week…it’s a bummer being stuck in the house all day.  I hope you had a relaxing and restful weekend. 
Emma got her spring haircut...but it's so cold she needs to wear her sweater...haha...poor thing!
Silly glasses...picture day!!

This week….

ü Library book exchange on Monday


ü Monday – wear your favorite number!

ü Tuesday – wear a math symbol and try to fool us

ü Wednesday – Arbor Day…wear math in nature (geometry, patterns, etc.)

ü I will be out all day on Wednesday

ü Thursday – what’s your favorite line day (parallel, perpendicular)

ü Thursday – Kindergarten Community Helper Day in the morning…pictures to come!

ü Friday – what’s your answer…be a math problem (the K team will be a math problem that the kiddos can solve!)

ü The school play, The Wizard of Oz, is on Friday and Saturday evening at 7pm.  I went last year and was very impressed with the talent we have at Whittier.  I will be there Friday evening.  I am bringing my mom and grandmother : )


Poem – Who Sees the Wind

-we are working on the th- digraph

Read Aloud – Close reading

You may have heard the words “close reading” before.  Close reading is when we read the same book for a couple days and set a new purpose for each time we read.  The questions are planned and purposeful and foster higher level discussions.  We have done a few close reading lessons this year.  I am always so impressed with the student’s ability to think outside the box, make connections and share their thoughts and opinions.  We will read the stories…

I Want My Hat Back

The Pirate of Kindergarten

Writing –

The students are going to write an opinion piece this week.  We are going to brainstorm the themes, weather patterns and activities for each season.  The students are going to write about which season their favorite is and give reasons why. 

Math –

ü Practice math fact fluency to 5 (mixed practice, addition and subtraction)

ü During our math time we have been starting with a short mini lesson and then breaking out into centers.  I usually work with one small group during this time. 

This past week we made predictions and identifed key details in nonfiction texts.  We used Scholastic articles to practice these standards.  I had a large article and the students were able to work independently/in partners to make, revise and evaluate their predictions using a smaller version. We discussed what scholastic articles are…the students made the connection of scholastic being similar to a newspapers, magazines, and internet articles.  It was so cute when they were reading the articles…they looked like they were reading the news paper.  Enjoy these photos!


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