Whittier Kindergarten

Whittier Kindergarten

Monday, August 18, 2014

Welcome, welcome, welcome!!!

Welcome to the 2014-2015 school year!

I hope everyone had a fabulous summer!  I just spent 10 days at the beach and I'm feeling tan, rested and ready to begin the school year.  We are so overjoyed to welcome our new friends and families to Whittier.  The K teachers had the opportunity to assess our new students over the summer and we were amazed by their ability, personality and readiness for kindergarten.  As of now, we have 17 students in our class....great class size!!  We will also have a student intern working in our classroom this year. Her name is Ally and she is an energetic, smart and sweet, senior at Frederick High School.  She is studying to become a teacher.  She will formally introduce herself when the school year begins.  She will spend every afternoon in our classroom!  

I will use this blog a lot throughout the year.  I am hoping to link a Twitter account to the webpage so I can quickly "Tweet" updates.  You will also have the option of following me : ) 

Please be sure to attend our ice cream social (5:30 pm) and back to school night (6 pm), on Friday, August 22nd.  Mrs. Schweigerath went over many of our school policies when you picked up your students placement.  We plan to discuss our schedule and our everyday routines in the classroom.  If you cannot be there, we will send this information home on your students' first day of school.  

Please remember that the first 3 days of school are staggared start days.  Your student will either attend on Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday.  Everyone will attend school on Thursday or Friday.  The purpose of this is to work with students in small groups, on procedures and getting to know our building.  

And now.....introducing the K team....we have a lot of fun throughout the year!

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