Whittier Kindergarten

Whittier Kindergarten

Monday, September 14, 2015

Weekly Update

Hi Families,

I hope everyone is having a relaxing weekend.  I can’t believe we are approaching our 4th week of school.  This week we will focus on practicing independent work time during literacy centers.  October is quickly approaching and we cannot wait to begin reading rotations. 

Here is what’s happening in Kindergarten this week…..

In Language Arts, we will:

·        -practice rhyming through poetry (Way Up High in the Apple Tree & Apples, Apples)
·       - act out poems
·        -practice independent work at poetry center
·        -preview books and discuss our purpose for reading
·        -recall details (facts) from informational books about apples
·        -learn and practice new centers (poetry and pocket chart) in preparation for -- reading group rotations

In Writing, we will:

·        -participate in a variety of fine motor activities to get our hands strengthened for writing
·        -build writing stamina and independence
·        -add details to our pictures and begin to write words or letters to tell a story
·        -practice perseverance for "hard to draw" ideas
·        -write more about our story (add pages, make a book)
·        -conference with teachers and peers about our writing
·        -plan our writing by touching each page and discussing what you will tell about

In Social Studies, we will:

·        -discuss what it means to be a good listener
·        -practicing listening to others
·        -play memory games to practice listening strategies
·        -vote on our whole class behavior incentive (Warm Fuzzy Jar)!

In Math, we will:

-count sets and compare numbers using the letters in our names
-classify objects into categories
 -count each category and sort the objects by count
-describe objects by their attributes
-practice math rotations using some of the math games we have learned

I would love to have you spend time with us in the classroom!  There will be a mandatory volunteer training this Wednesday (9/16) at 9:15 am.  After you have completed this training we can set up a time for you to work with students, or help with teacher tasks!  We are also looking for parents to help with our ABC/123 team.  If you have an older child and you have already taken the volunteer training you are welcome to begin volunteering!

***Thursday Folders***
Please sign and return Thursday Folders on Friday morning.  The competency scores serve as a weekly report on behavior and learning habits.   This form is returned with the folder.  If you have any questions about this please let me know!

If you would like your child to eat breakfast at school please send a note or email letting me know to send them to the cafeteria.  Students eating breakfast at school report to their classroom first, get unpacked and then eat breakfast.  Thanks!

***Clip Chart***

Reach for the Stars (blue) – going above and beyond daily expectations, by being safe ready to learn, responsible and polite.   If your child ends their day on blue they will earn and blue ticket.  All kindergarten tickets are combined at the end of the week and entered into a drawing for a prize.  Administration pulls 2 – 3 tickets each week on morning announcements. 

Go for the green (green) – following directions, working hard, making good choices.  If your child ends their day on green they had a good day!

Warning (light green) – following a verbal warning: a friendly reminder to check your behavior.  At any point throughout the day students can move their clip back up dark green or blue.

Loss of Privilege (orange) – following a warning, a privilege is taken away if the behavior continues.  We do not take away recess unless a student is being unsafe during that time.  If your child ends their day on orange we will write a brief note explaining the behavior.

Documentation (pink) – if the behavior escalates or becomes a referable behavior (physical aggression, defiance, etc.) contact will be made with guidance and the student’s family (contact made by classroom teacher).  A formal document will be sent home for the parents to sign.

Office Referral (purple) – depending on the behavior either a Documentation or Office Referral will be written.  If the student receives an Office Referral administration will contact the child’s parents. 

***Questions to ask your child***

What do you do at poetry center?
What do you do at pocket chart center?
Ask your child to sort objects at home.
Tell me about a hard to make idea that you made this week.

Important Dates in September

Monday, September 14 - No School

Tuesday, September 15 – Library Book Exchange (please send library books back to school)

Wednesday, September 16 – I will be out all day for a training (this will be our 1st substitute experience!  I’m sure they will do great!)

Wednesday, September 16 – Volunteer Training at 9:15 am

Wednesday, September 16 – Rita’s Celebrity Scoopers!  Come out to support our school and enjoy a delicious treat from Rita’s!

Tuesday, September 22 – Volunteer Training at 6 pm

Wednesday, September 23 - No School

Friday, September 25 - 2 hour early dismissal (students leave at 1:25.)  Please send in a note if your child's transportation will change this day

Have a great week and let me know if you have any questions!

Ms. Grimes 

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