Whittier Kindergarten

Whittier Kindergarten

Monday, May 26, 2014

Happy Memorial Day!

Hi Families,

I hope everyone had a fabulous Memorial Day weekend!  Emma took her first swim.  It was very funny.  Turns out, she can doggie paddle just like any other dog...I guess size doesn't matter!

Ok....Maybe she looks a little scared lol

A few announcements about this week:

  • All library books need to be returned this week - we will not see Ms. Datoli for another library lesson
  • Talent show tryouts will be held on Tuesday and Wednesday
  • FRIDAY - CARNIVAL NIGHT!  Come out and enjoy snack and games.  I will be there!  As a class, we have learned how to play our game....I will need some "helpers"  to work the ring toss
  • Last week I sent home a letter about an ice cream social on the last day of school.  Please return the form so we know how many ice cream cones are needed.  Please bring family members!  The more the merrier!!  It is an after school function, so you will need to stay at the park with your child.  Thanks!!
I will add photos from field day later this week.  I hope everyone has a super week!

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