Whittier Kindergarten

Whittier Kindergarten

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Lots of fun in MAY!!!!

Hi Families!
We have a lot of fun things happening in May! Stay tuned for pictures and updates...
Dates to remember:

May 5 - 9th Teacher Appreciation Week...Thank you in advance to the PTA and anyone who helped to plan such a special week!

May 6th - Extra Recess!  We filled our Warm Fuzzy Jar again!

May 9th - 2 hour early dismissal

May 12th - Half day field trip to Fountain Rock Nature Park! Yes...I know, I originally said May 12th, then we changed it to the 19th.  We could not get buses for the 19th, so the 12th it is!!

May 16th - Library Summer Reading Kickoff at school

May 22nd - Field Day

May 26th - Memorial Day (No School)

May 28th - Talent Show Tryouts

May 30th - Carnival Night (rain-date for field day)

Have a super week!

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