Whittier Kindergarten

Whittier Kindergarten

Sunday, May 18, 2014

I can't believe tomorrow is May 19th....

Wow...time flies when you're having fun!  I can't believe we have a little over 3 weeks left of school. I hope everyone has fun summer plans! 

Lets make these last few weeks count! 

This week....

  • Monday, we have a library book exchange and lesson.  This will be our last week to check out books.
  • Monday afternoon, K and 4th grade students will perform their concert for the school. 
  • Wednesday at 2 pm, K students will perform for parents (I will be out on Wednesday, all day)
  • Thursday...the BEST day of the year!!!! FIELD DAY!!!
    • Please dress your student in weather appropriate clothes
    • Send a bottle of water with your student's name
    • We will spend from 10 - 12 outside completing field day events
    • The afternoon will be spent inside and the students will participate in a sing along
  • Friday, is a 2 hour early dismissal

We had a blast on our field trip to Fountain Rock Nature Center.  I would like to share our group photo!

Have a super week!

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