Whittier Kindergarten

Whittier Kindergarten

Monday, October 19, 2015

Hello Families,

I hope everyone was able to stay bundled up in this cold weather this weekend. It was definitely good hot chocolate weather!  We have a busy five day week ahead of us, so take a look and see what we'll be getting into!

In Language Arts, we will...
- read poems to practice fluency in reading ("I'm a Little Firefighter" and "10 Little Firefighters"). 
-learn new sight words to help us in reading (the, no, in). 
-practice retelling a story by talking about the beginning, middle, and end of the book.  
-identify the problem in the story, and how the character tries to solve it. 
-figure out the solution of a story. 

In Writing, we will...
-build our writing stamina by practicing writing and drawing independently for longer blocks of time. 
-write a "small moments" story and add detail so others can read them. 
-practice using our resources (word wall, sound chart) when we are writing. 

In Science, we will....
-complete a science experiment and draw/write about it. 
-test whether an egg will sink/float in fresh water and salt water.  Why?
-review objects that sink and float and make a boat using various materials.
-test to see if our boats will sink or float.
-learn the difference between solids and liquids and identify objects in each category. 

In Math, we will... 
-match numerals to a set of objects. 
-continue identifying numerals and sets that are greater or less than others. 
-build teen numbers on a double tens frame. 

Reminders and Important Information
***Field Trip***
Our field trip to Gaver's Pumpkin Patch is next Monday October 26th.  Please be sure to send in all money and permission slips so your child can join us!  If you would like to chaperone this trip, you MUST complete the volunteer training in order to do so.  Please pay up front to be a chaperone whether you ride the bus with us, or meet us there. I will be in contact with all chaperones to let you know if you will be riding the bus, or meeting us there.  Thank you all for your interest in the field trip.  It should be a fun day!  

***Volunteer Training***
There will be an in-person volunteer training opportunity this Monday evening (10/19) starting at 6:30pm here at Whittier.  If you are interested in volunteering in any capacity, you must be trained.  This will be the last in-person training before our field trip so if you are interested in being a chaperone for our field trip and haven't been trained yet, be sure you attend!  

***Library Book Exchange***
We have library book exchange on Tuesday.  Thanks so much for helping us remind students to bring their books back to school each week!

***Reading Groups***
Reading groups are in full swing and are going great!  You probably have heard your child read their "little books" to you over the weekend.  They are so excited to be able to read independently!  In order to make sure your child is prepared for reading groups, please remind them that their reading group baggie and all little books are returned to school every day.  We use them during group time, and it helps a lot when all students are prepared.  

***Special Visitors!***
Today the local fire station came to talk with us about fire safety.  October is Fire Safety Month, so we got information on fire extinguishers, smoke detectors, stop drop and roll, and more!  We even got to tour a real fire engine!  Ask your students what they learned from our visitors after school!  Ms. House and I actually got on the ladder truck and traveled all the way to the top!  Pictures to share soon!

***Fall Harvest Party***
I am sending home information about our Harvest Party (take-home folders).  I apologize for not having it ready for Thursday folders.  Our party will be held on Thursday October 29th from 2:00-3:00pm.  Students are welcome to dress up like their favorite book character, and we will have food, drinks and games!  We are asking for monetary donations to help cover the cost of the party.  Teachers will use the money to make these purchases so we can make sure all food is safe for all students.  Thanks so much in advance for any donation you can make.  If you are interested in helping out for the party, please indicate on the form that you will attend.  

Dates to Remember:
Monday 10/19- Firefighters come to visit! 
Monday 10/19- Volunteer Training (6:30pm)
Tuesday 10/20- Library Book Exchange
Friday 10/23- Mystery Guest Kickball Game (2:00-3:00)

It is Character Counts week at Whittier!  We pride ourselves on following the six pillars of character: Trustworthiness, Respect, Responsibility, Fairness, Caring, and Citizenship.  We would like to celebrate our awesome school this week by:

Monday: Make Character Count!  Wear something with a number on it

Tuesday: College Day!  Wear your college gear

Wednesday: Citizenship Day! Wear red, white, and blue

Thursday: Pillars day!  Kindergarten will represent the Caring pillar: wear red!

Friday: Dress like the career you want to be when you grow up!

Have super week!

Ms. Grimes

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