Whittier Kindergarten

Whittier Kindergarten

Monday, October 26, 2015

Weekly Update

Hello families,

I hope you had a great weekend! This is the last week of quarter 1, can you believe it?  The beginning of the year has flown by! We just got back from our field trip to Gaver Pumpkin Patch (I will add pumpkin patch pictures this Sunday.  If you were a chaperone and have pictures – please email them to me!).  The students had a fantastic day.  Make sure to ask them about their favorite part!  Here is what’s going on this week....

Language Arts
  • We will read fiction books and identify the characters (who the story is about) and the setting (where the story takes place)
  • We will talk about the characters and the setting and how they relate to each other
  • We will read a new poem to work on phonics and fluency skills (Gray Squirrel)
  • We will write about our pumpkin patch experience by adding details, using our five senses, drawing illustrations and labeling the illustrations
  • Complete all writing pieces from quarter 1 (catch up day)
  • We will learn the different states of matter (solid and liquid) and discuss the differences between them
  • We will melt crayons to change their shape.  We will observe these changes and record what we find in our journal. 
  • We will have an ice melting race and discuss the best strategy used to melt the ice.
  • Play Jeopardy to review quarter 1 math skills such as: comparing numbers, problem solving, counting, writing numerals, and subitizing
Important Dates to remember

Tuesday, October 27th: Library book exchange and lesson.  Please remember to send your child’s library book back to school! 

Thursday, October 29th:
  • Harvest Party in the classroom 2:00-3:00 pm.  Students are invited to dress as their favorite book character for the day!  If you would like to help out during the party, please email me or send in the orange form that came home in Thursday Folders last week.
  • PTA Harvest Party in the cafeteria/gymnasium from 630-8 pm.  Come out for a night of family, friends, and fall fun!  Families are encouraged to dress up!  Make sure you stop by the Face Painting table to see the Kindergarten teachers!
Friday, October 30th: No School, enjoy your 3-day weekend!

Environmental word wall:

We now have 2 word walls in our classroom.  We have a word wall where we keep sight words, names and vocabulary and we have an environmental word wall.  On our new word wall we are going to collect words/names from food wrappers, menus, and magazines to put under the letter that word begins with.  For example: If you made Jello over the weekend you could cut out the word “Jello” and bring it school to add to our word wall.  I have added a picture of what this may look like:

I am not going to give specific letters to look for.  I’m just going to ask that your child brings in no more than one word/label/food wrapper per week.  I will talk with the kids about this tomorrow! 

Have a great week!

Ms. Grimes 

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