Whittier Kindergarten

Whittier Kindergarten

Monday, October 12, 2015

Weekly Update

Hi Families,

I hope everyone has had an enjoyable weekend! I spent the weekend at Lake Anna with my family.  We had beautiful weather! We have a busy week ahead of us! Here is what's happening in Kindergarten....

In Language Arts, we will:
-read poems for fluency (5 Little Pumpkins)

-read poems to identify rhyming words/sight words/number of syllables in words

-read about pumpkins and begin to develop a deeper understanding of the before, during, and after reading process.  Students will discuss topics such as, what do you think will happen in this book?  Why did the author add this feature to the book?  As well as, what did you learn from this book? Students will begin to monitor their understanding and discuss how predictions may change while the book is being read after acquiring context clues.

-read informational books and discuss the purpose of informational text.

In Writing, we will:
-continue to use checklists to monitor our own writing

-develop a better understanding of story structure, and just like the stories we read, our stories should include a beginning, middle and end.

- produce writing that is legible and show an understanding of both lower case and upper case letters.

-meet with our third grade buddy class to share a piece from our writing folders.

-set writing goals!

In Science, we will:
-create a flip-book to show the five senses.

-ask questions and seek answers.

-engage in an experiment that will show us which objects float and which objects sink.

-ask, why did these objects float/sink?

In Math, we will:
-practice counting items from 0-20 in a variety of ways.

-count manipulatives in a straight line, cluster, circle, and/or an array

-identify sets that are less than, equal to, or greater than a given number.

Important Dates:
Tuesday 10/13: Library book exchange and lesson.  Please send your child’s library book back to school! (it goes in the pink bin by the door).
Wednesday 10/14: Picture day! Bring your best smile J
Wednesday 10/14: Our writing buddies will visit!
Thursday 10/15: Tech Trek! 2 hour early dismissal
Friday 10/16: No school! Enjoy the long weekend!

Other important things:

***Field Trip***
Monday October 26
FORMS AND MONEY (10.00) are due by the October 15!!
If you would like to chaperone, you MUST complete our volunteer training. If you have any questions please contact me and I will be more than glad to assist you in completing this requirement.

With colder weather on the way please consider providing your child with a light jacket to wear outside for recess.

***Reading Groups***

Book Baggies have been distributed to all students.  Inside the book baggie you will find 2/3 little books and a word ring (sights words that we will add each week). Please take the time to read with your child each night and be sure to return these materials to school the next day. Students do need their baggies for reading group.  Thank you in advance!

***Fire Fighters***
We will have the local Fire Station visit Kindergarten and PreK on Monday, October 19th!  Students will learn about fire safety and tour the trucks and equipment.  This is always a fun morning!  I will have pictures to share!

I hope homework is going well.  Please note that HW is optional.  If you have any questions or concerns about the HW menu, please contact me.  Please return the HW journal on October 29th.  Thanks! 

We have been so busy learning that I have taken very few pictures.  I have a few from our taste test that I will share this Sunday.  Have a fantastic week!

Ms. Grimes

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